Housing Strategies
Protect renters and homeowners by tracking the early warning signs of housing instability

Using risk factors such as landlord history, deferred maintenance, and neighborhood change, BuildingBlocks flags rental properties, owners, and tenants most at risk for evictions and displacement. Where court records are accessible, BuildingBlocks can map eviction filings to pinpoint properties and owners, allowing cities and their community partners to proactively communicate potential solutions and work with landlords & tenants alike to ensure safe and stable housing.

Foreclosure Prevention
BuildingBlocks tracks the initial filing of a pre-foreclosure notice to give property-level early warning of an owner in financial difficulty. Cities are using this information to educate owners of their options during the foreclosure process, target mortgage assistance, and monitor for vacancy & “zombie” status. BuildingBlocks can also track mortgage information by lender, identify owners with high-risk loans, and proactively reach out to those in need of housing support.

Neighborhood Change
By bringing together data on sales, permits, property conditions, and land use, BuildingBlocks allows cities to closely monitor of changing real estate markets. Increases in property value, rising rents, and the addition of transit and other amenities can widen the housing affordability gap. And a spike in foreclosures, crime, and vacancy indicate neighborhood decline. With BuildingBlocks, cities are able to track their changes and tailor housing strategies to market conditions and neighborhood health.